Urushi Vermillion
"I've just
spent a few months with Koetsu's Urushi Vermillion, and it's safe to say that
those who worried that the magic might have disappeared along with the elder
Sugano needn't have... the Vermillion and the rest of the Urushi series offer
an addictive balance of high-resolution detail and exceptional evocation of
instrumental textures few, if any, are capable of re-creating instrumental
textures the way the Vermillion does I've been playing the Beatles' Abbey Road
for almost 40 years now, and the Vermillion took the voices, particularly
George Harrison's and Ringo's to new levels of jump-from-my-seat believability.
Regardless of musical and sonic tastes, I can't imagine anyone's encounter with
a Koetsu Urushi Vermillion being anything other than memorably ear-opening.
It's one of a handful of the most musically engaging cartridges I've
heard." Michael Fremer, Stereophile, January 2008
"...understated beauty
of the petrified coral bodes... so rare is the material that cartridges in this
guise will only be available in the US, with production unlikely to exceed a
couple of dozen... stunning naturalness and presence... a sense of substance
and stability to the image... big and rich and vibrant... There's a rightness,
an immediately convincing quality to its presentation that draws you into the
music." - Richard S. Foster, Hi-Fi+, Issue 43